What is Soul Blending?

Soul Blending

The human soul has been described as an individual’s true soul essence – the Divine Self that experiences the expansive universe beyond the third dimension, incarnating the physical body to learn the spiritual lessons of a life on earth. Soul Blending allows a person to connect with and hear information directly from his own soul. Despite his human perceptions of limits and isolation, his soul understands its unity with the Divine Source of creation and can provide insights beyond those generated from the rational mind.

Many ancient and modern spiritual traditions teach that a person’s natural state is to be consciously connected with his soul and its divine guidance at all times. But fear, doubt, and life’s seemingly overwhelming challenges often cause him to lose touch with this inner “knowing.” During a Soul Blending session, practitioner Wendy Tuttle is consciously connected with her Higher Self on the soul plane allowing her to link or “blend” with the client’s soul and give voice to its communications. Her rational mind is not involved; she simply allows her voice to speak the wisdom of the client’s own soul. Soul Blending can also be done with pets and all other life forms, including wild animals and plants.

Wendy Tuttle, a professional violinist, conductor, and music teacher, describes being aware of her conscious connection with her soul before she was old enough to speak. From her earliest memories, she describes being able to blend with other people at the soul level and know their thoughts and intentions. When she could articulate her observations, many people felt uncomfortable with her ability, and she learned to keep the information to herself.  Wendy began providing Soul Blending sessions in 1989 for close friends, who encouraged her to broaden her clientele and teach others to connect with their own souls.

Soul Blending is based on the understanding that the soul provides only the depth of information, healing, and insight that the client is ready and willing to accept. Universal law ordains that the client’s free will cannot be violated and nothing can be accomplished without his soul agreeing to it. The soul also is understood to present its guidance in just the right way for the rational mind to absorb it and use it to the client’s benefit.

Soul Blending can be done in person or over the telephone. Questions and concerns brought to a session are as varied as the clientele. If a situation involves a client’s relationship with another person, Mrs. Tuttle may blend with the third party soul as well. That soul may speak through her using the person’s own inflections and mannerisms to help the client’s rational mind accept that a connection has been made to someone else’s soul. As with all Soul Blending, Mrs. Tuttle can only convey information that the third party’s soul has agreed to reveal.

If the issue involves a group, such as a family, work, or court setting, Mrs. Tuttle may blend with several souls. The client might learn what each person is seeking in the situation and how she intends to accomplish that purpose. The session may also reveal any agreements that have been made among the souls that affect the situation’s outcome. A question about the client’s physical body may be answered by the soul entering an organ or system, reporting details on the condition down to the cellular level, and providing directions for medical or self-care.

Information from the soul is understood to allow the client to make changes or better choices based on deeper insights. The rational mind often views a situation in terms of good or bad, right or wrong. Soul Blending is seen as broadening a client’s perspective to see a wider range of choices and recognize that he is responsible for the outcome of any situation.

In addition to private one-on-one, Soul Blending can take place in a group setting, with each person asking his or her own questions. As Mrs. Tuttle answers, she is blending with every soul in the room, and as a result clients often report that the information given for another person’s question has relevance for their own lives as well.

Reactions to Soul Blending sessions vary with each client. Some feel dazed or “out of it” after the experience, although many report feeling uplifted or experiencing a great sense of relief. Physical reactions may include tingling in different body parts, changes in body temperature, chills, and the sensation of organs moving inside the body. Clients have reported forgetting the information they received during their session, only to recall it hours, days, or weeks later at precisely the time it was needed.

Wendy Tuttle conducts Soul Blending classes to teach students to connect with the soul plane, accessing their own inner knowing and blending with others’ souls as well. Exercises may include an in-class soul journey guided by Mrs. Tuttle during which students travel to a past life, a future event that results from a recent choice, or another physical location.  Students may practice “reading” information from each other’s bodies about their physical condition, or agree to contact each other in dream state, then report back to the class about their interactions.

Soul Blending classes are based on the same premise as all sessions: changing circumstances on the physical plane can be joyful and effortless once the rational mind has lost its fear and trusts the soul’s guidance.

Reprinted with permission from The Holistic & Metaphysical Resource Book: Your Guide to the Healing Arts and Conscious Living Practices copyright 2000 Over the Cliff Publications, Inc, All Rights Reserved.


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